As an electric cooperative, East Central is led by the members we serve.
We power homes, support community development efforts, encourage youth leadership, and connect rural areas to fiber broadband, all in the service of our member-owners. East Central Electric Members in Districts 2 & 5 are invited to participate in their electric cooperative district meeting, June 11. This is an important meeting for co-op members in your area, and a great opportunity to learn how your cooperative is providing next level service.
We hope you plan to attend.

Tuesday, June 11 - 6:30 p.m.
East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Multipurpose Center
2001 S. Wood Drive, Okmulgee
District Prizes:
The first 50 members who register in person for each district will automatically receive a $10 bill credit. Every member in attendance will also be entered into a drawing with members from their district for:
1 - $100 Bill Credit
1 – Three free months of 1GB ecoLINK service
2 – Gifts valued at $50
3 – One free month of 1GB ecoLINK service

Look for your Official Notice in the mail the week of May 27th.
Bring your official notice with you to the meeting to speed up the registration process.

Service Area Map

Members interested in running for a board seat can contact the Cooperative for a candidate packet beginning the week of June 10th. Completed packets are due by June 21st.