The Operation Round Up Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for qualified individuals who seek a college, university or technical school education.
Operation Round Up is an innovating program providing financial assistance to worthwhile projects in East Central Electric’s service area. The organization is funded by participating members of East Central Electric Cooperative who volunteer to have their monthly electric bill rounded up to the nearest dollar. Each participant contributes about $0.50 per month into the Operation Round Up fund. With the help of our participants, Operation Round Up disperses funds for community projects, health care, educational scholarships and other worthwhile projects.
The Scholarships provide financial assistance for qualified individuals who are seeking a college, university or technical school education.
The Scholarship is available to an entering college freshman who is a member, or is a spouse, dependent of a member or child whose guardian is a member of the Cooperative and a participant in Operation Round Up. If you are not currently participating in Operation Round Up, please contact the Cooperative at (918) 756-0833 to join. Applicants must be high school seniors attending a school within the Cooperative’s service area. Twenty $1,000 scholarships are available, payable one time, upon providing proof of enrollment and other requested information. Students must use monies their freshman year immediately following their high school senior year, before January 1st, otherwise they forfeit the scholarship. Students must possess the qualities of honor, integrity, thrift and good moral character. The Selection Committee evaluates each student on grades, community, work and school activities, awards, honors and achievements, educational goals and financial need.
Lylah Sparks, East Central Electric Cooperative, P.O. Box 1178, Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
Scholarship Selection Committee
The Scholarship Selection Committee is the Board of Directors of Operation Round Up. All scholarship awards are at the discretion of the Scholarship Selection Committee.
Applications must be postmarked by March 1st.
Click Here to Download Scholarship Application

2024 Scholarship Recipients