With the bitter cold temperatures forecasted for our area as well as the potential for ice and snow accumulation, East Central Electric Cooperative and our power suppliers would like to assure you that steps have been taken to meet the cold weather challenges.
Our partners KAMO Power and Western Farmers Electric Cooperative have taken precautions to ensure the power generation and transmission systems are prepared to meet the high demand for electricity. The power supply for East Central is a diverse mix of renewables, natural gas, fuel oil, and coal.
Measures have been taken to protect the reliability of generating units from extreme temperatures and to ensure consistent delivery of fuel. Our power supply is delivered through a highly reliable transmission system that is continuously monitored. Any issues affecting the delivery of power to our members are immediately addressed. Crew personnel are prepared and standing by.
The system that is in place to provide power to our members is prepared for this and other challenges. We cannot guarantee that outages will not happen, but we are confident that all appropriate measures are in place to minimize the potential for outages and to address and restore service to our members.
For local outages our ECE line crews are prepared and ready to act fast and keep you all safe.
On our website you can find some winter weather savings and safety tips to help you prepare: https://ecoec.com/winter-savings-and-safety
In the hopefully unlikely event of large-scale outages or service interruptions, you will be able to find updates on the Advisory Center page of our website: https://ecoec.com/advisory-center
If you have to get out, please drive safely and stay warm!